Xbox One X Hands On - Daily Tech

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Xbox One X Hands On

- Hey, guys, this is Austin, and this is the Xbox One X. So, Microsoft just unveiled it here at E3and we get a super-secret hands-on,even though sadly it's not actually plugged in. So, one of the first things that you'll realizewith the Xbox One X is that it is tiny. So, even though this is significantly more powerfulthan the Xbox One, the Xbox One S,even something like the PS4 Pro,it's still a really small console. So, even though it looks fairly similar to the Xbox One S,pretty much everything inside has been changed. Inside the Xbox One X is the Scorpio engine. So, this is an evolution ofwhat was in the original Xbox One. So, not only does it have the same eight CPU cores,which have been improved and are clocked higher,more importantly it has a much more powerful GPU. Honestly this is one of the biggest improvementson the X, so it's going from 1. 3 teraflopsof computing power to six teraflops. Not only is that more than something likethe PS4 and the PS4 Pro, but I think more importantlyit is a huge upgrade over the Xbox One. Games that were playing at 720p, 900p, or even 1080p,should easily be able to be handled at 4K here. The X is also rocking 12 gigabytes of GDDR5 memory,which is a big step up over the 8GB of DDR3 on the Xbox One. What's cool is you're really not giving up a lotby with going up with the X, besides price,which we'll get into in a minute. So, the size, like I said, is roughly the same as the S. It's very slightly smaller, but more importantly,it is much smaller than the PS4 Pro, and alsopretty much has all of the same ports, the I/O,the Blu-ray drive, and what's cool is if you actually lookat the back of the Xbox One X, everything is pretty muchthe exact same orientation as the One S, so in theoryif you want to upgrade, you can just unplug,replug it in, everything's the same,and that even includes the power cable,which is still the tiny figure eight power cable. So, all of this noise right now is becausewe're actually shooting in the skybox right abovewhere we actually watched the E3 demo,and in about 30 minutes, they've torn down the entire stage. It's like gone. I really do like this matte black finish in person. So, even though I think the Xbox One S looks really coolin white, just having a little bit of sheen on the top,and we still have the vents on the side, it looks nice. Speaking of the vents, they actually have donesome really cool stuff to get so much powerin such a small space here. So, it pulls air in here from the sidesand runs it through a vapor cooling chamber. That's actually really cool, and it makes sensehow they're able to get so much powerin such a small console. So, that's kind of what you would findon stuff like a GTX 1080, or something. So, essentially, it pools the air in from the side,cools it and then sticks it out the backthrough the vents right here, which has the added benefitof you can actually stack stuff on top of the Xwithout it overheating and exploding in your face. Speaking of the size, even though it's aroundthe same footprint of an Xbox One S,this guy pulls a lot more power,as you would expect from a much more powerful console. But, what's cool is you actually really don't noticethat from the outside, and Microsoft claimsthat it shouldn't be any louder than somethinglike an Xbox One as is. Of course, all that power doesn't mean much without gamesto actually play, and there were a fair fewthat were announced today at E3. So, the big one that I was excited about is Forza 7. To be honest, I'm a huge Forza fan. I love racing games, and I feel like Horizon,especially the Motorsports series is awesome,so that looks really cool and the best part isit runs at full 4K at 60 frames per second on the One X. So, Metro Exodus I think is probably oneof the top ones that I'm excited to try. I was a big fan of Last Lightand this looks like a great sequel. There's also Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War,which again is another sequel to a gameI'm really excited to try. It did look really nice looking on the Xbox One X. There are also some cool surprises,such as PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDSis coming to the Xbox One, Minecraft is gettinga super duper texture pack to support 4K,and there are other cool things like Cupheadfinally getting a release date. It's not just new titles that will see a benefit. So, things like better texture sampling,as well as a faster hard drive should makeall Xbox One games run better on the X,and there's also the fact thatit's just a more powerful console. So, say an Xbox One game had a low frame-rateor had dynamic resolution scaling,all that should be pretty much crankedall the way up when you're playing on the X. About 30 games, including the Forza Horizon 3and The Witcher 3 are going to see updatesto support 4K running on the One X,and that's the cool thing. We're talking about true 4K here. So, the PS4 Pro is undoubtedly a very powerful consolebut very, very few games run at proper 4K. These rely on upscaling,or cool features such as checkerboarding,which get you close to 4K, but with the One X,you have that additional power to make sure thatsupposedly, all games will run in true 4K. The big elephant in the room, though, is price. So, the Xbox One X is going to be coming in at $499and it'll be on sale on November 7th. That is a lot for a console. So, when you look at the original Xbox One S,right, it's not original, but the standard versionof the Xbox One, that's going to run you $250. Even if you jump up to something like the PS4 Pro,that's $400, which means that you're definitelypaying a big premium for the One X. Don't get me wrong, the One Xis an impressive piece of hardware. Getting proper 4K gaming for $500 is no small task. Building an equivalent PC is probably goingto be pretty difficult, which brings meto my next slight criticism of the One X. I wish it ran Windows. It wouldn't have been totally crazy. The Xbox One actually does run on Windows 10,just with a different UI on top, but I understandthat that Microsoft likes to sell Xbox gamesand not games inside Steam, but I just can't helpbut imagine if the One X was a $500absolutely killer little gaming PC. As is, it is just a very, very powerful Xbox One. The Xbox One X is an incrediblyimpressive piece of hardware. If it was $400, I think it would be totally killer,but as is, it might be a little bit of a tough sell,especially with the PS4 Pro around. So, what do you guys think about the One X?Let me know in the comments below,and I'll catch you on the next one. 

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