How To Waste $200 on Amazon 2019 - Daily Tech

Saturday, December 22, 2018

How To Waste $200 on Amazon 2019

welcome to another very special edition ofMystery Tech. This time taking a look at some very special items that Ken has gotten that cost under $200. Protection case for N3,(laughing)wait a minute, wait a minute. Is this legitimately just like an iPod?Okay. I have so many questions. Why would someone wanna buy something like this when smartphones are getting better and better audio?Stuff like the LG V30 has an amazing headphone amp and you know, it does more than just listen to music. Now let me let you in on a little secret. Because Ken picks the products for these videos, I'm almost positive that he gets stuff that he wants to take after the video. All of the instructions are in Chinese. This is not helpful. So I guess this must be reasonably popular if they actually sell dedicated accessories for it. And I've gotta say, this leather case that's a lot nicer than the little silicone one that it comes with. Never be the same again?What?Nope. Oh, it's all in Chinese. Wait. How do you even . . . It's not a touchscreen, is it? No. Okay. So loud. This thing pushes some serious power. Wow. Okay. It sounds good with the actual headphone jack, but honestly, it's not a huge difference versus using AptX or Bluetooth. Alright, Ken, I think you actually did a good job. TheiaPro?What?Is this Google Glass?Alright, we'll see what we got here. Oh wow, those are . . . (laughing)Are you serious?For context, this is what normal human people glasses look like. And this, this . . . It even has plastic lenses for no reason. Oh, is that a camera on your face? No. What? What camera?These are my normal everyday glasses. Oh, wait, oh it folds, it folds. That's a look right there. That. . . that's a look. Oh, wait, wait, wait, hold on, there's even more. So because this is just literally a giant chunk of plastic that sits on the side of your face, they helpfully include a tiny little cushion so that it doesn't rub your skin off. So to take a picture, I need to double short press. Let's try the amazing image quality. I have no idea if it's doing anything. Did I just take a picture?Alright, you ready?So I'm gonna. . . Alright, did it flash a bunch? - [Ken] Oh yeah. [Austin]- Oh it did. Okay. [Ken]- Just now. [Austin]- We're recording. So this is what the quality looks like on the ThetaPro, oh sorry, TheiaPro. Apparently, it's supposed to give you a whole new world of point of view recording devices. So, yeah. Ken, if you tell me that this device was $200. - 78. - $78?- Yes. - Okay, I feel slightly less terrible that you wasted all of our money on(laughs)on this. A Jitterbug!(laughs loudly)It is the one and only Jitterbug Smart. Oh, man. All new easy to use the smartphone with an all-new larger screen. It actually is a kind of big phone but I will say a little cheap feeling might be a decent way of putting this. It does have a SIM card in it, at least. Oh, interesting this is an Alcatel OneTouch phone. Oh, there you go!Powered by Android. (intense music)(phone rings)There we go. It finally did something. Welcome to your new Jitterbug Smart!Tap here to get started. Alright. Oh, do we want to use Advanced Android easy-to-use Jitterbug?We're clearly not good enough for Advanced Android. Give me some Easy-to-use Jitterbug action. There are two ways to activate your phone. Call us to activate or you can activate it online. - [Alma] Thank you for calling Great call, my name is Alma. May I have your first and your last name please. - Yes, this is Austin Evans. - Is this a new device, Austin, or a replacement?- This is a new device. - Okay, and then for you or for somebody else?- This is for my dad. - His name is?- Ken. - Why did you decide to purchase this device for your father?- He just doesn't have a smartphone. - Do you think he's gonna be more than25 texts in one month?- I don't believe so. - You're all set have a wonderful day. Thank you so much for calling Great call. - Thank you very much. They just charged me twice for that. Alright, so we just spent $80 on activation fees for a phone that's gonna be activated in two hours. I hope you're happy, Dad. I hope you're really excited about your new phone that's gonna charge me $80 plus another $30 a month. Oh, it's not activated. They're not kidding you. You actually do need to wait two hours to activate it. So, because apparently, it takes twelve hours to charge my brand new phone and wait for it to activate, the full Jitterbug Touch experience might just have to wait for another video. Alright, next item. Digital Home Karaoke?(laughs loudly)Well, okay then. I think it's time for some karaoke. So, what did you guys think about the $200 tech video?Let us know in the comments below. And if you hated everything you can blame Ken,because it's all his fault. Anyway, thank you guys so much for watching and I'm gonna go play some karaoke now!

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