These iPhones Cost Less Than $200 - Daily Tech

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

These iPhones Cost Less Than $200

- Hey, guys, this is Austin. iPhones are becoming a lot easier to pick up. So, I was able to get each one of these three iPhones for less than $200 on prepaid carriers. But are they worth it?I did a video on this iPhone 5S the last year where it cost me $150. However, today, you can easily find these availablefor only $129 but even as low as $99 off contract. It's the same story with the iPhone 6. While some places have it listed for 300or even as much as $450, I was able to pick this one up for only 200. The iPhone SE is also available for cheap. So, while it still cost $400 unlocked straight from Apple, I was able to pick this one up for only 160. The prices are definitely going to vary depending on what sales are going on and the big downside is that these are going to be locked to a prepaid carrier but I'm curious, what kind of iPhone are you getting for $200?To start with, we have the iPhone SE. Even though this is a little bit of an older design, this is actually a pretty new phone, it only came out about a year ago. What's cool with this is it's actually not even a base model, so this guy's going to be rocking 32 gigs of storage. The unboxing experience is pretty straightforward. So, not only do we have our Apple stickers and paperwork right here, but there's also going to be the old-school Apple EarPods, we have our USB power adapter, as well as a Lightning cable. Put it side by side with the iPhone 5Sand the SE looks very, very similar. So, what you're getting here is a pretty small phone. Now, to be fair, it's kind of rare to actually geta decently specced small phone these days, but it's small. It's definitely really small. It still feels premium though. So, not only do we have the chamfered edges as well as the nice metal and glass design, but most importantly than that, it feels sturdy and that's not something that you can always say about budget phones. Moving over to the iPhone 6, just like the SE, we're going to be getting a 32-gigabyte phone which is going to make this a lot more usable. With the iPhone 6, we're getting something that'sbasically the same design as the current iPhone 7. So, while things have been tweaked just a little bit in the last couple of years, for the most part, you're really not gonna be missing out on much. Arguably, there are actually some design improvements here. So, not only does the iPhone 6still have the physical home button, but it also does still have a headphone jack. You're getting some nice upgrades with a 6, most notably, Apple Pay support. So, this is actually something I useon pretty much a daily basis. You're also getting a much larger 4. 7 inches display compared to the smaller four-inch panel on the others. So, while this is still a little bit small by most flagship standards today, it feels a lot more usable. The specs are pretty interesting. So, the iPhone 5S is the oldest phone here, it is rocking an Apple A7 processor with one gigabyte of RAM. Whereas the iPhone 6 has the Apple A8and the iPhone SE has the newest Apple A9with a full two gigabytes of memory. All three feel reasonable snappy but the 5S is starting to show its age a bit. With only one gigabyte of RAM, it does get a touch slow sometimes when you're doing a lot of multitasking, but it really is not bad. It's the same story with the iPhone 6. In real use, it feels almost the exact same as the 5Sand a lot of it does have to do with the fact thatit also runs one gigabyte of RAM. On the other hand, the iPhone SE is super quick. So, it has the same specs as the iPhone 6S, which absolutely puts it on par witha a lot of current flagships. To put things in perspective, all three iPhones are going to be more powerful thana budget option like the Moto G4but it really is the iPhone SE that takes the win here. All three are up to date on iOS 10and they're all getting the iOS 11 update later this year. That's especially impressive when you look at the iPhone 5Swhich came out all the way back in 2013. I've gotta give big props to Applefor supporting a phone like this for five years. Pretty much no one else does that. The biggest issue is just the smaller screen sizeson the 5S and the SE. You know, I get it, a lot of people do like a smaller phone, but as far as I'm concerned, it just feels a little bit small and cramped. To be fair, you're not really losing any functionality, everything is just a little bit smaller than usual. But if you're used to a bigger phone, these are gonna get a little bit hard to get used to. When it comes to cameras, the iPhone 5S and 6have a very similar looking eight-megapixel camera, whereas the SE bumps that up to 12 megapixels thanks to the iPhone 6S, which it basically stole all its parts from. First, we have the 5S. This was probably the best camera on a smartphone when it came out but today, that's actually not bad. The dynamic range is not quite there, but this is a really, really difficult shot. These all look pretty nice. So, I'd have to give a slight edge to the SE here, but really, I would be happy with any of these phones. While smartphones have definitely advanced a lot over the last few years, what's impressive is just how decent these iPhones feel to use even though they're three, even four years old. What's really impressive is the camera on the SE. While it's about a year old at this point, it really is only topped by flagships like the Galaxy S8and the iPhone 7. Video on the SE also looks nice. So, it shoots in full 4Kand while it might not be a RED, the stabilization means that it actually looks really nice. The iPhone 5S hides its age surprisingly well. For just a little bit more and less than half the price it was when it launched, I think the iPhone SE is an obvious upgrade. But only if you're down with a smaller phone. Which leaves us with the iPhone 6. While it might not be the most powerful phone in the world, I think the larger size more than makes up for that. So, would you guys pick up a $200 iPhone?And if so, which one would it be?Let me know in the comments belowand I'll catch you in the next one. 

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