Borinator $500 Gaming PC Build - October 2015 - Daily Tech

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Borinator $500 Gaming PC Build - October 2015

- Hey guys, this is Austin. And today, we're here to do a $500 gaming PC build. Right?- Right. - So the plan is,we need to get out of here with $500 worth of parts. Trying to get, like, an idea of, like, prices around here. This all looks roughly what I would see in the U. S. No, nevermind, I take it back. - Yeah, so that would be like $150. - Okay, it's way more expensive here. This may be a slight problem. - Oh. . . - $300 power supply!- Oh. . . - Welcome to Canada!- I'm just realizing how screwed we might be right now. - Pro-tip to how to shop at NCIX:- Okay. - You don't walk around in the aisles. You look at what's on the Weekly Special. - Okay, that-that looks good. - 1TB drive, 60 bucks Canadian. - See, I'm gonna need a Canadian translator right there. That seems like a good deal American. - Yeah, so that's about $42. - Okay, so that's a good deal for a 1TB hard drive. - Here, I'm gonna go borrow a pen and paper or something. - Okay, that's a good idea. - Where-Oh right, what am I doing?[AUSTIN LAUGHS]- What if we go G3258?- We could do G3258.  - That could work, right?- We discovered that certain newer games,I believe. . . [LINUS SNAPS]- Far-Cry 4. - Far-Cry 4, and Grand Theft Auto were among them,- Mhm. - simply don't run well on a dual-core anymore. - Should we try to get a multi-function printer into the budget?- That will totally work. $100 for a printer. I mean, everyone needs a $100 printer with their $500 gaming PC. - 860K, right there. - 860K.  - 92 dollars. - 92 dolla. - Well, I guess that makes sense,U. S.  that's about what it would cost,like, it's, like, usually, like, $80? - Yeah, like 70 bucks?- Something like that?- So that's actually a good deal. - Oh here's a 950. $220?Oh man, I really wanted to use a 950. I did not realize it was going to be that expensive. - We might be able to squeeze it.  I did not realize it was going to be that expensive. - Like, $250 for a 960. Doesn't that sound right?- The 950 is $220. Could we squeeze another $30 and get a 960?- Dude, that's $250 for the graphics card in a $500 build,that would be tricky. - $250 Canadian. - $200 U. S.  effectively, like. . . [AUSTIN EXHALES]- $190 U. S. , really. - Hold on,what about this Cooler Master Elite 350 with the 500W power supply?- Oh!- Hmm.  - 63 bucks,including power supply. It's not a great 500W-- I'm sure it's not. - but it should be okay. - If we do this, it's $63. What were we gonna pay?Like, $40 for the power supply?- Yeah, we were gonna pay $40 for the power supply before,so unless we were getting a case for $23,which we are not. - Okay, so basically right now,We think we've got -I'm feeling pretty good about this. I feel pretty good. - We actually have $50 left,which is a first for a $500 build. That's a lot of money. - First things first,The uh. . . processor's not in stock. [BOTH INHALE][BOTH IMITATE SAD TRUMPET]- So you have the 6300 in stock?- FX-6300?- Yes. - So. . . - That's $670. - $10 over your $500 budget. Why don't you just be somewhat flexible for once in your life, Austin?- This is. . . $670 Canadian. So we're being pretty flexible right now. But, I think that's too over. - Can you do $10-'cause, really it's only $7 over budget. - The title of this video is going to be $508 gaming PC build. [BOTH LAUGH]- How are you feeling right now?- I'm feeling good. I think we just got, like,a wicked system that is gonna completely bowl over your last $500 machine. - Yeah.  a wicked system that is gonna completely bowl over your last $500 machine. a wicked system that is gonna completely bowl over your last $500 machine. - Now, I'm actually really surprised. I was like hoping maybe we could get a 950. But a 960-and it's a Strix!- So your processor,hybrid hard drive,- SSHD! hybrid hard drive,- SSHD! and your memory. - That's so cool. Oh man. I think we're in business. - I'm feeling good. - I think we got this. - Let's do this thang. - So this is the FX-6300. It's a 6-core,or a hex-core processor if you wanna be all fancy. This actually should be pretty good!I think,it might not be the greatest thing in the world for gaming, but,for what we're gonna do,especially with the 960,I mean, I probably wouldn't put like, you know,a pair of 980s with this thing,but. . . [AUSTIN SHRUGS][LINUS SHAKES CAMERA]- Oh man. I have not put together an AMD system in a while. Which means that I put this in completely backwards. - It's what it's worth because their platform hasn't change in the last. . . - Oh! - Oh![AUSTIN IMITATES EXPLOSION]- Alright, back to work. So, Linus,would you care to do the honors of exactly how you're supposed to put the thermal paste on?I heard you're supposed to put credit card-sized goop on top,and then you wipe it with your hand. Correct?- Okay, so, hold on, I'm following the instructions. credit card-sized,and then goop it with your hands?Is that what you said?- Oh, dude,people are going to kill us in the comments. [AUSTIN LAUGHS]- One of the six cores is probably right here?So that's why there's a concentration of thermal goop?- Man, this tutorial is off to a great start. See, like, I was so excited,'cause it was going to be, like, a great tutorial,people are gonna learn a lot of stuff,it's gonna be awesome and everyone gets their own PC,and then. . . this happens. - I have faith that you can get this one right. No, no, no![AUSTIN SIGHS][LINUS TRIES TO SLOT IN RAM REPEATEDLY]- Oh, sorry. - That one-this-that one-there you go. See, I was afraid you were a moron for a second,but, nah, I feel better now. - Do you have a knife on you?[KNIFE THUDS ON TABLE][KNIFE THUDS ON TABLE IN SLOW-MOTION]- Alright. The suit we actually bought here. This is where we saved all the money, right?So this was what, $70?- This is a case, [LINUS NODS CAMERA]with a 500W power supply. It's Cooler Master,so I think it should be alright. - 360W?What?- Where are you getting 150W?- Oh, 130W on the five. . . - Yeah, wow. . . - Great. - Oh. . . - I'm glad that we have a nice silver I/O shieldto go with our nice silver case. So everything matches,and it's super cheapness. - But hey, who cares?You're gonna be like-you're gonna have, like, so many FPS in your games,like, it won't even matter, like,your eyes are gonna be bleeding from, like,the awesomeness that you wouldn't be able to look at your case. - Dude, this is like,not a bad PC. - We have no no-name stuff. - Actually, that's a good point. Yeah, everything is. Everything's legit here. - This is actually a really simple build. Like, if this was, like, someone's first, like, PC. Like, this is really straightforward. There's not like anything too crazy,power supply comes pre-installed,um,everything's really nice,and I-even though I usually recommend, like,Micro-ATX cases,'cause they're a little smaller,and they tend to be a little cheaper, but,with something like this,you can definitely have a little bit more room to work. It's not anywhere near as cramped. - Man, these ca-I'm actually genuinely embarrassed about how bad these cables are now. - And here's the boring stuff that no one cares about but we have to show anyway,because we want to be thorough,and professional about our. . . videos full of d*ck jokes. - We are alive. - Alive!- Well, if it wants to, you know. - Yeah, it's a bit of a process. - I mean, that would be cool. Generally kind of helpful. - I'm gonna blame Austin if it doesn't load-- Oh! - Ah!- Welcome to the magnificence of the Borinator!Featuring: six cores of Boring,a graphics card that's actually not Boring,a case that's superty duper Boring,and an SSHD because Linus made me do it. Alright, so that is officially the Borinator. So, we signed it, so,whoever actually wins this -'cause we are going to be doing a giveaway-- Giveaway!- will get our signatures on the inside. - If you guys want to enter to win this thing,just leave a comment below this video,and make sure you're subscribed,and you might just win the Borinator. Also, there's something that you might wanna be checking out,like why I am just chilling in your place?- Scrapyard Wars 3![BOTH IMITATING EXPLOSIONS][LINUS IMITATING AN ELECTRIC GUITAR]- So guys, check out Scrapyard Wars 3,it is a 3-way between me, Luke, and Austin. - Enter the Borinator!- See you guys over there. [BOTH LAUGH]

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