PS4 vs Xbox One Episode 3: Graphics - Daily Tech

Sunday, December 2, 2018

PS4 vs Xbox One Episode 3: Graphics

When it comes to picking a game console that’s supposed to last the better part of a decadehaving enough performance to keep up is a big deal.  To start let’s take a look atthe CPU on both the PS4 and Xbox One.  With both consoles using custom AMD APUs this isone area where they’re incredibly similar.  Each uses an eight core processor, the PS4being clocked at 1. 6 gigahertz where the Xbox has a slight advantage at 1. 75 gigahertz. They’re both based on AMD’s Jaguar architecture which is fairly low powered, typically beingused in entry level desktops and laptops.  Interestingly the Athlon 5150 processor isalmost identical to what’s being used on the consoles, just with four cores insteadof eight.  While you should take these estimates with a grain of salt it gives us a good baselineto compare, it’s clear that while they might have a lot of cores neither console can comeclose to even a modest gaming PC on the processor side.  Making things more complicated is thatwhile they have eight cores they can’t actually use all of them for gaming.  The PS4 reservestwo cores for the operating system and while there’s a huge advantage in being able tomultitask that means games only really have six cores to work with.  The Xbox has a similarsetup but developers have access to a seventh core as long as a game doesn’t need to useKinect or custom voice commands.  It’s not a massive difference but this paired withthe clock speed advantage gives the Xbox One a slight edge here.  While things are nearlyidentical on the CPU front get into the graphics and you’ll find some bigger differences. Both are using AMD Radeon graphics but the PS4 has a clear advantage with a bigger GPUthat’s rocking 1152 stream processors compared to 768 on the Xbox One.  As we’re talkingabout the same GCN hardware this basically is an apples to apples comparison, the PS4has a 50% advantage here.  Microsoft does have a slight lead when it comes to clock speedbut the end result is still a win for the PS4 with a total of 1. 8 teraflops of performanceover 1. 3 on the Xbox.  Another big difference between the consoles is memory.  We’re lookingat eight gigabytes across the board which is a massive advantage over the last generationbut not all of this is available, only five gigs are there for games to take advantageof.  The bigger difference is the type of memory, while the Xbox One uses standard DDR3 thePS4 uses GDDR5.  Typically DDR3 is used for CPUs, it’s doesn’t have enormous bandwidthbut it’s good for quickly delivering smaller amounts of data.  GDDR5 is the opposite, ithas lots of bandwidth but it can’t be accessed as quickly which makes it ideal for a graphicscard.  Purely looking at performance the PS4 has a big advantage with 176 gigabytes persecond compared to just 68 on the Xbox but Microsoft does have a trick up their sleeve:ESRAM.  This is a small 32 megabyte chunk of super fast memory dedicated to the GPU whichcan make up a lot of the difference however it requires the developers to properly takeadvantage of it.  On the other hand the PS4 can take the brute force approach with lotsof fast memory that just works giving it the clear victory here.  So what does all of thismean for actual games? With very similar hardware you shouldn’t expect a massive differencein graphics.  Both consoles support 1080p but many games give up a bit of resolution likeStar Wars Battlefront which runs at 900p on the PS4 and an even lower 720p on the XboxOne.  Most games like Grand Theft Auto 5 are capable of the full 1080p output but hereyou’re trading resolution for performance as both consoles top out at 30 FPS.  The PlayStationand Xbox are capable of 1080p at 60 frames though, less graphically intense titles likeRocket League along with remasters like The Nathan Drake Collection run no problem onthe PS4.  Forza 6 is a great example of a game that’s able to keep a consistent 60 FPSeven at 1080p on the Xbox but this is the exception rather than the rule.  Most of thetime to keep up the high refresh rate you sacrifice resolution like in Titanfall whichonly runs at 792p.  While on paper both consoles are similar they each have their advantages. The Xbox One has a slightly faster CPU but the larger GPU and faster memory means thePS4 almost always gives you a better gaming experience, giving it the win this time around. Of course a slight performance advantage doesn’t tell the whole story, check out the last coupleepisodes if you missed them and definitely stay tuned for the next one, this comparisonisn’t over yet. 

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