The Biggest Gaming Monitor Yet... - Daily Tech

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Biggest Gaming Monitor Yet...

- Hey guys, this is Austin. We've taken a look at a lot of crazy and over the top setups, but this new monitor might just take the cake. But, before we get started, I wanna give a huge shout to today's sponsor, Varidesk. So this is my editing setup. Now I like to sit down and get some work done, but after a few hours, I really do start to feel unhealthy, which is where the Varidesk comes in. All you do is grab by the handles and pull it up, and it smoothly transitions into being a full standing setup. The flexibility really does help me to feel more focused and productive, so definitely be sure to check out the ProDesk series at the link below, and again, a huge shout out to Varidesk for sponsoring this video. So you may recall a video we did the last year on a 49 inch super ultra-wide Samsung monitor. Now I really like that for gaming, but the problem was that the screen resolution was a little bit low. Sure the actual screen size was massive. It's basically like having two 27 inch panels sort of glued together, but with basically only 4K by 2K resolution, as soon as you got outside of a game it got very blurry very quick. Where as with this, this brings things up a notch. Really the main advantage here is, that this should be much higher resolution. So essentially opposed to having a pair of1080p monitors that are glued together, instead, we have something which is essentially equivalent to a pair of 27-inch 1440p displays. Here normally there's a lot of really weird useless things in the box, but this handling guide actually seems very relevant because this monitor is enormous. I actually don't know how I'm going to get it out. Oh, that's actually kind of cool. So it comes with a USB-C cable in the box, which I guess you can drive the full5K resolution over USB-C. Okay, I gotta try that. I also have a DisplayPort, HDMI all that kind of fun stuff. The only downside with this monitor is that you need to have a properly huge desk to support it. I mean that's just not gonna fit anywhere. Hey guys, today we have the world's largest monitor. (laughs)I feel like I'm in the thumbnail right now. Can you move that foam so I can set this on the table? Okay, so with this giant monitor out of the box, next up is to actually power it, and that is where this comes in. So this is the Zotac MEK Mini. And what better way to pair a giant monitor than with a tiny super powerful gaming PC. See we have a great sense of irony here. At least Ken does. So we've looked at a lot of weird and interesting Zotac systems over the years. This is actually one of the most interesting ones that has caught my eye in quite a while. So inside what you're getting here is pretty properly powerful gaming computer but in a very very small chassis. Awe, it's so cute. So inside this guy, not only do we have a proper Core i7-8700 processor, but there's even a full GTX- sorry RTX 2070. I'm going to keep saying GTX like forever, you realize that right? Slide? Oh, there we go. Wow, that is- that is packed. Okay, so we've got a two Terabyte hard drive as well as what I believe is a 256 gig SSD. We have what looks to be 16 gigs of memory and a fan. What is on this side? So I guess it makes sense that you have easy access to most of your upgradeable parts on this side. I'm curious. I see a few fans inside. How do I open this? Oh, there's a giant not for resale sign on the bottom, AKA this is a review unit, don't open it up dumb--Well actually that's probably not a direct quote from Zotac, but we all know what they mean when they send me something. Oh, that's why it's so small.

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