Trying the Tesla Model 3 - Daily Tech

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Trying the Tesla Model 3

- So, I'm officially Ken-less and on my own. But, it's time to drive the Model 3. Hey guys, this is Austin. The Tesla Model 3 is a big deal. So, this promises to be one of the first mass-market electric cars and I spent tonight at the launch event here in Fremont. First of all, a huge shout out to Dan. He's the only reason I'm actually here right now, 'cause he gave me a call like a few days ago, he's like, "Yo, do you want to come" and check out the Model 3 event?"- I needed somebody that has a good tech background. - And somebody who can vlog?- Somebody that can vlog, that's a good hand, holding that. - [Austin] It's easy to forget just how big of a deal this is. So, unlike something like the Model S, which starts at around $70,000, you can pick up a Model 3 for about $35,000. And that's before the tax breaks which can bring it down even cheaper. They announced two models today. The Standard, as well as a Long-Range option. So, the Standard model will get you about 220 miles of range, where the Long Range gives you a pretty impressive 310 miles. So, what's interesting is, they're no longer branding it just like the Model S with the actual kilowatt-hours,but most people are guessing that the base model is going to be around 50 kilowatts hours and about 70 for the Long Range, quite a bit smaller than the Model S, but this is also a smaller and lighter car. - 'Cause like Model S is already and Tesla's made it clear, a superior car. So, there's almost no reason for someone to go from a Model S to a Model 3. - Right, the Model 3 is the lower end, entry-level version. - It's the entry-level for people who wanted a Model Shouldn't quite get there but now have this $35,000 option. - It does, however, look very, very similar to the Model S. Personally, I like the look. It's sort of like a mix between a shrunken Model S, mixed with a little bit of Porsche Panamera. It's a little bit awkward in photos and even video doesn't totally do it justice, but in person, I've got to say, especially from the rear sort of three-quarter view, it is a really nice looking car. I only wish it was maybe dropped like an inch or so, but we'll see. Inside things are fairly basic. So, my test drive was about 10 o'clock at night, so, it was kind of hard to see everything. But one thing you can very easily see is the fact that the dash is basically just a single 15-inch screen. Now, don't get me wrong, it's a nice-looking display and you do get pretty much all the information, like your speedometer, you get your nav, all your climate controls but that's pretty much it.

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